# License Key Configuration

A Mojee license key can be purchased online at mojee.io/pricing.

A license key is required to unlock all 1743 emojis supported by Mojee. Without a License Key, only the 100 most popular emoji's are supported. See licensing for more details.

Once a license key has been purchased, you will be sent an email with a key included. To add the license key to your Mojee project, two easy steps are required:

# Steps to unlock Mojee

# 1️⃣ Set license key

In your project root, at the same level as the .csproj file, do you have an appsettings.json file? If no, please create that file, then add the following Mojee configuration section. Replace your-license-key-here with your actual license key string.

    "Mojee": {
        "LicenseKey": "your-license-key-here"

If your project already has an appsettings.json file, the final content might look something like the following:

    "Logging": {
        "LogLevel": {
            "Default": "Information",
            "Microsoft": "Warning",
            "Microsoft.Hosting.Lifetime": "Information"
    "AllowedHosts": "*",
    "Mojee": {
        "LicenseKey": "your-license-key-here"

# 2️⃣ Copy to output directory

Within your projects .csproj file, add the following section inside the <Project> node:

    <None Update="appsettings.json">

The above section instructs the build process to copy the appsettings.json to your /bin folder during compilation. Your appsettings.json file should be deployed along side your projects compiled .dll files.

Mojee is now unlocked and ready for the world.